That After Work Drink (Or Four…) Isn’t Doing You Any Good

Source: America’s Drinking Problem Is Much Worse This Century

I was reading this article the other day and was enlightened, although not entirely surprised. Alcohol is becoming a bigger issue among adults and it’s not addressed as much as other drug issues deemed more “serious” by society. I can name countless people I know through work, family, friends, and acquaintances that have multiple drinks most nights after work to “unwind”, “decompress”, and “relax”. I’m sure you can name plenty too. Consensus among most people seems to be that this is acceptable and normal. If you’re not having the shakes in the morning, you “can stop whenever you want”, and can keep up with your day to day responsibilities, there is not a problem. Or is there?

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are not the same thing. Alcoholism is what people are referring to when they say people cannot function without alcohol. Alcohol abuse is using alcohol as a coping skill. Using drinks to calm down at the end of a hard day is a form of abuse. This is self-medicating. It’s worth looking at! Health issues aside (read the article or ask your doctor about those), it’s important to look at why you’re reaching for that drink rather than to calm yourself without it. Getting to the source of why you feel the way you feel, unpacking it, and learning to cope differently can completely change the game for you. Counseling, yoga, taking things off your plate, delegating responsibility, setting boundaries, exercise, and just taking time for yourself are all healthy, long-lasting ways to help manage your stress- in a healthy way
