Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, usually gained through progressive levels of relaxation, using visual imagery. This level of relaxation or calming of a person’s conscious mind leads to increased imagination and openness to new ideas and thoughts. Under hypnosis, the client is fully conscious but the brain filters out unnecessary sounds and stimulation. I am sure every one has had the experience of day dreaming through an hour, or arriving at work with out really noticing the actual trip there. That is a “trance”, and we have all gone into trances. Clinical Hypnosis is used to treat a variety of things, such as anxiety, pain, trauma, stage fright, smoking, over eating, cancer treatment, fears about going to the dentist, to prepare for surgery, and for labor and delivery. Nearly every one is a good candidate for hypnosis and can even be taught self-hypnosis. Clients who have been taught self-hypnosis have been able to be calm and focused on relaxation during procedures that would usually cause tremendous anxiety and pain.