Coaching is a practice in which the coach focuses totally to help clients achieve their goals. These goals may be with a career (Executive or Business Leader Coaching), personal (Life Coach), to develop physically (Fitness Coach), or in any other number of areas a person really wants to work. A coach helps determine strengths and areas that need work to get stronger, and through questioning, organizing, and encouragement, helps to set priorities for the client to be really successful. Coaching is not psychotherapy and should not be used in place of counseling if that is needed. A lot of times, a person will go through counseling first and later on, get involved with a coach.  Although we do coaching in our office for those close enough to come to either office, most of the time, the client lives far away, or as with Executive Coaching, the client is traveling a lot of the time for business and so regular phone contact or e-mail correspondence is used. The great thing about coaching is you can choose a coach who will work the best with you, and that you and the coach can be located anywhere.